Friday, October 8, 2010


We are proud to name as this week's Rick and Len Show Weenie of the Week...Al, the farmer who called us this week to complain about the Help Twitchy raffle to raise money for an 11-year-old Van Dyne boy with a rare and severe form of Tourette's Syndrome that was treated with an experimental surgery that the insurance company won't cover leaving his parents with well over a hundred thousand dollars in medical bills.

(When Al called us on Wednesday he was angry that people would want to "bail out" this kid’s family just because he had an illness when nobody is bailing out him and his farm. He questioned where the priorities of most Americans are that they don't seem to care about farmers like him but they would give money to help some sick kid. He has since called to clarify his position and say that he doesn't mind if people want to help the kid.)


For proving that the organic fertilizer storage container isn't the only thing on his farm that's full of crap.

For showing about as much compassion as Paris Hilton shows intelligence.

For being so heartless and brainless he should be skipping down the yellow brick road with Dorothy and the lion.

For making comments so ludicrous it makes you wonder what gets plowed more, him or his fields.

We are proud to name Al, the farmer (despite the fact that we sympathize with his plight and his frustration) as this week's Rick and Len Show...WEENIE OF THE WEEK!

Make your donation by clicking on the Help Twitchy Raffle icon and get into the drawing for great prizes while helping this great kid and his family! Raffle ends next week!

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