Friday, March 11, 2011


We are proud to name as this week's Rick and Len Show Weenies of the Week...whomever's been sending anonymous death threats to the 18 Republican senators since they voted to strip public workers of their collective bargaining rights...and whomever has been sending anonymous death threats to the 14 Democratic senators since they fled the state in an effort to stall a vote on the bill. Obviously, it's a really hot button issue with deeply felt emotions on both sides. But death threats? Really? You think that’s the answer?


For not understanding that this is not some third world country where political decisions are decided by who has the biggest gun but rather, this is America where political decisions are decided by who has the bigger wallet.

For thinking our problems in Madison can be solved with psychotic behavior when clearly what is needed is anti-psychotic medications.

And for threatening to take the lives of Wisconsin state senators. Seriously? Do you really think if they had lives…they would be Wisconsin State Senators? Have you seen these people? If they weren’t Wisconsin state senators they would probably be living in caves, foraging for grubs and learning to scratch their names in the dirt with sticks. Threatening to take a Wisconsin State Senator's life is like threatening to like threatening to take Paris Hilton's virginity, Charlie Sheen's sanity or Vern Troyer's basketball trophies.

We are proud to name whomever has been sending death threats to Wisconsin State Senators as this week's Rick and Len Show...Weenies of the Week.

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