Monday, May 4, 2009


A listener found this guy's pic on the "personals" page on Craig's List. He thinks it's me. I'm not sure who should be more insulted. Him or Me? I'm guessing him!

-Rick McNeal-

Here's some signs that maybe Craig's List isn't going to help you get a date...(Obviously, these don't apply to the smooth-looking guy with the aquarium!)

If the picture in your ad hasn’t gotten you any dates but several women have contacted you to find the location and hours of the haunted house they assume you're advertising...Craig's List might not help.

If on your dating profile you feel compelled to describe yourself as a "good listener" just because you do everything the voices in your head tell you to do...Craig's List might not help!

If you have trouble finding a restaurant that you think a potential date would enjoy that also allows you to dine while seated next to your mother's disembodied head...Craig's List might not help!

If you’ve had sex with so many inflatable dolls, you've contracted a case of inflatable crabs...Craig's List might not help!

If the only women you seem to meet are the ones whose homes you stop by to inform them you’ve moved to their neighborhood in accordance with the judge’s instructions...Craig's List might not help!

If under "hobbies" on your profile you wrote "adding to my nipple collection"..Craig’s List might not help!

If your first name is Rick and your last name rhymes with IcNeal...Craig"s List is definitely not going help!

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