Thursday, July 30, 2009


This weekend, Joe Balzer is appearing at the E.A.A. Airventure '09. Joe is the pilot who was busted for flying a Northwest Airlines flight from Fargo to Minneapolis while loaded back in 1990. He's now been sober for 10 years and is author of the book Flying Drunk.

As a public service, here's our list of signs your pilot might be too drunk to fly!

If he's required to check his liver because it exceeds maximum size requirements for carry on baggage...your pilot might be too drunk to fly.

If you find him trying to "sleep it off" the overhead luggage compartment...your pilot might be too drunk to fly.

If he makes an emergency landing just to make last call during happy hour at Hooters...your pilot might be too drunk to fly.

If during the pre-flight announcements he introduces his co-pilot as Captain Johnny Walker...your pilot might be too drunk to fly.

If he’s at 30,000 feet and can’t remember how he got there, where he's going or who peed in his pants...your pilot might be too drunk to fly.

If the longest he's gone all day without a drink is the 90 minutes he spent trying to stick his car keys in the 747 ignition...your pilot might be too drunk to fly.

If he personally de-ices the wings...with his breath...your pilot might be too drunk to fly.

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