Sure, folks round these parts love hating on the fans from Minnesota and Illinois. But you can't deny, when it comes to the biggest douchebag fans in the NFL (or any sport for that matter), you can't beat the fans of the Philadelphia Eagles.
Check out this video of the warm greeting Eagles fans extended to a pair of 49er fans who attended Sundays game.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Because it's better to give AND receive, the Rick and Len Show, together with The Trans-Siberian Orchestra, have cash for you this Christmas!
We call it...You Get What You Give!
Click here to enter to win $500.00 for yourself and another $500.00 that you get to give to someone in need this holiday season!
Enter each weekday to qualify!
Every weekday morning between now and Friday (12.18), we will select 5 qualifiers. One winner each week will get 500-dollars cash money...and each will get to give away another 500 to someone who really needs it.
The entry box is emptied every morning at enter each day to win.
You Get What You Give....from the Trans-Siberian Orchestra and 105-7 WAPL.
Friday, December 11, 2009
To those of you who thought our "Funeral-4-Favre" broadcast earlier this year was a slap in the face of Brett and his family, we present evidence that it was not. In fact, his wife was not offended, driven to tears or otherwise troubled by our silly antics. If you recall, we collected contributions for the Deanna Favre Hope Foundation at the event and we raised several hundred dollars to help victims of breast cancer. Here's Deanna's reaction:

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

'Twas about a month before Christmas
And outside his house
The world's greatest golfer was steering
Trying to get away from his spouse.
While the rest of us were nestled all snug in our beds
Elin was chasing him down the drive way, swinging a wedge at his head.
Tiger in his Escalade and Elin in a snit,
She was wielding a club and was ready to hit.
When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter,
Neighbors sprang from their beds to see what was the matter.
Away to the window they flew like a flash,
To see all the wreckage from where the world's greatest golfer had crashed.
He hit a hydrant and tree smashing his bumper and hood.
Guess he just couldn't decided between an iron and wood.
There he lay on the ground, unconscious and snoring some say
Was he really knocked out or in an Ambien haze.
Elin claimed she broke the back windows with the club
Because she was just trying to help.
But we're all pretty sure
She was taking aim at his scalp.
He was whisked off the hospital where his problem was diagnosed
He'd suffered superficial wounds and a drug overdose.
And after a few hours, Tiger was released
And able to go home to stonewall the press and police.
But the story it broke, so lively and quick,
We knew in a moment, Tiger was involved with some chicks.
More rapid than eagles his bimbos they came,
And the press whistled, and shouted, and called them by name;
Now, Rachel! Now, Jamiee! Now, Theresa and Mindy; all seeking their glory.
On Kalika! On Julie! On Holly and Cori!
To the tabloids they dashed after both fame and some wealth
To sell their pictures and stories all promoting themself.
But Tiger spoke not a word, only posted messages on his site.
About taking time off from golf and apologizing to his wife.
This is, without a doubt, an athlete in his prime.
Because only the world's greatest golfer, could play that many holes all at one time.
And outside his house
The world's greatest golfer was steering
Trying to get away from his spouse.
While the rest of us were nestled all snug in our beds
Elin was chasing him down the drive way, swinging a wedge at his head.
Tiger in his Escalade and Elin in a snit,
She was wielding a club and was ready to hit.
When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter,
Neighbors sprang from their beds to see what was the matter.
Away to the window they flew like a flash,
To see all the wreckage from where the world's greatest golfer had crashed.
He hit a hydrant and tree smashing his bumper and hood.
Guess he just couldn't decided between an iron and wood.
There he lay on the ground, unconscious and snoring some say
Was he really knocked out or in an Ambien haze.
Elin claimed she broke the back windows with the club
Because she was just trying to help.
But we're all pretty sure
She was taking aim at his scalp.
He was whisked off the hospital where his problem was diagnosed
He'd suffered superficial wounds and a drug overdose.
And after a few hours, Tiger was released
And able to go home to stonewall the press and police.
But the story it broke, so lively and quick,
We knew in a moment, Tiger was involved with some chicks.
More rapid than eagles his bimbos they came,
And the press whistled, and shouted, and called them by name;
Now, Rachel! Now, Jamiee! Now, Theresa and Mindy; all seeking their glory.
On Kalika! On Julie! On Holly and Cori!
To the tabloids they dashed after both fame and some wealth
To sell their pictures and stories all promoting themself.
But Tiger spoke not a word, only posted messages on his site.
About taking time off from golf and apologizing to his wife.
This is, without a doubt, an athlete in his prime.
Because only the world's greatest golfer, could play that many holes all at one time.
Sunday, December 6, 2009

For almost two full days now,
local TV stations have been warning,
of the big impending snow storm
that should kick into high gear late Tuesday morning.
Run for your life the snow is coming!
At Channel 11, Snowstorm Allison it is called.
They flash the weather map down in the corner
In an effort to keep us all frightened and enthralled.
Some even use the beeper
to make sure that you know they're really serious.
That snow is going to fall quite hard
And winds could be real furious.
I guess you just can't blame them
'Cuz you really must admit
this is about the most excitement
a meteorologist in Green Bay gets.
Bad weather to a meteorologist
is like a fix is to a stoner.
It makes George Graphos' eyes just light right up
and Cameron Moreland has got a boner!
That's right, at NBC 26 Cameron's got a weather woody!!!
He's engorged and he's tumescent!
And over there at Channel 5,
I bet Mahoney, Miller and Justin Whats-his-nuts are all just hard as ce-ment.
Even 5's Dana Tyler and Rebecca Schuld get excited
When the air turns moist and chilly.
I bet they'd even have lump in their loins,
if they each only had a willie.
At FOX 11, Powell, Petoniack, Thut and Higgins,
have got more wood than a forest full of poplars.
And are probably having sword fights
while fondling with their Dopplers.
And over at WBAY,
the excitement for Steve Beylon and Justin Zollitsch has just begun.
And Brad Spakowitz is REALLY turned on
knowing he could see 8 to 12 inches before the night is done.
Yes, blizzard-like conditions
will always excite a weather man.
'cuz it gets their blood a flowing
right to their nether glands.
That's why we can almost forgive them
for their two days of on-air ballyhoo.
You'd also be excited
if when a storm came, so did you!
Friday, December 4, 2009
Paul McCartney is launching a program to encourage people to eat less meat. December 6th will be Sir Paul's first Meat Free Monday.
To hell, we say!
That's why all our contest winners on this Monday morning's Rick and Len Show will win not just a spin on the Rick and Len Wheel of Christmas Wonder (see below) but ALSO a BIG ASS HOT DOG!
How big is a Big Ass Hot Dog? The BIG ASS HOT DOG measures 16" long and 4" in diameter, and is made of 100% veal, beef, pork. The BIG ASS HOT DOG is 50 times bigger than a normal hot dog and weighs 7 lbs and has 50 servings per BIG ASS HOT DOG.
To order your own BIG ASS HOT DOG for Christmas or tailgating, click here!
Meat Free Monday? We prefer a Free Meat Monday!
Thursday, December 3, 2009

Here's a list of things that you can win between Monday (12.7) and Christmas on RICK AND LEN'S WHEEL OF CHRISTMAS WONDER AND MAGICAL DELIGHTS!
iPod Nanos
Tomtom GPS
$300 Sound World gift cards
A $110 Kodak Gift Card
Kodak All-in-One Printers
Zhu Zhu Pet Hamsters
D-Link 10 inch Wireless Internet photo frame
Wits & Wagers board games from Northstar Games
Say Anything board games from Northstar Games
Scene It - The Star Trek Edition DVD games
Scene It - The Simpsons Edition DVD games
Canon Compact Photo Printer from Cellcom
Sony 7 inch digital photo frame
Packers 2009 Sideline Knit Hat and Packer Coaches Cap (w/pink accents)
SmackDown vs Raw 2009 Video game for XBox 360 & WWE Boombox Cooler
Creative ZenStone 1GB MP3 Player
Bluetooth headsets from Cellcom
Bluetooth M-1 wireless stereo speaker system from Cellcom
$100 in O'Reilly Auto Parts gift cards
One year "Sockscription" from
Darth Vader Robotic Arms by Uncle Milton
Cellcom gift certificates
WAPL Christmas Bash tickets
Tran-Siberian Orchestra Christmas Trilogy Box Sets
Authentic Reindeer Poop necklace
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
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